Who am I? I am a fish swimming in the sea, looking for my flock.
Seeking to join, aiming to stay alone, acknowledging the inevitability of being lonely.
Praising my loneliness, and chanting its anthems.
Singing to escape, singing to survive the constant immigration.
Never finding my flock, but meeting other lonely fishes, desperate to gather.
Praising loneliness together in our movement across the depths.
Catching light strokes piercing the water and competing who caught more.
Being underwater is frightening. Unless you are a fish, unless you found your flock.
Pressure. It holds together, it applies weight. It mutes the noise accessible to human ear.
What do I hear as a fish? Do I hear other fishes cries? Do I hear myself?
Tears would disappear in salted water. They would finally find where they belong.
They would cover the feelings, belittle the emotions, force the neutrality to float. Morbid neutrality.